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터치하여 좌우로 움직이세요

물품이미지 물품목록번호 41113907-23450565
물품분류번호 41113907
물품식별번호 23450565
품명 유공성측정기
세부품명번호 4111390701 (유공도시험기)
세부품명영문명 Porosimeters
상품원산지국가명 벨기에(BE)
품목구분 일반용 품목
부품여부 N
품목등록일 2018-08-07

터치하여 좌우로 움직이세요

모델명 Porolux 500
품목명 유공도시험기, Porometer, (BE)Porolux 500, 0.013~500μm
제조업체명 Porometer
제품설명 The POROLUX™500 is a gas-liquid displacement porometer for the rapid measurement of through-pores in materials such as filters, nonwovens, textiles, paper, membranes, hollow fibres, etc. based on the pressure scan method as well. In this method a single valve is opened during a measurement and the pressure and the resulting gas flow are measured continuously. This method is fast and typically generates very reproducible results which makes the POROLUX™500 very suited for QC type of work. The maximum operating pressure is 35 bar (507 psi) and it permits measuring pore sizes down to 13 nm (when using Porefil as wetting liquid). The POROLUX™500 has an integrated touch screen panel on the front part of the equipment for easier operation of the device and display of the measurement status. During the measurement the touch screen shows the status of the device. The current sensor values and the proceeding of the measurement can be observed at the screen.


속성명 속성값 측정단위
측정범위 0.013~500 μm
종류 Capillary flow porometer
압력범위 0.49 kPa
크기(폭) 510 mm
크기(깊이) 510 mm
크기(높이) 455 mm
옵션/기타 Max flow: 200L/min

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